Multi-Dimensional Self (MDS)

Healing the MDS means working with aspects of the MDS to transform non-functional patterns - patterns that interfere with the flow of divine love and light, and the grounding of the spiritual essence in the lower bodies

The multi-dimensional self is the eternal, spiritual aspect that creates our life through intention and choice.

Although we may appear as physical beings, all aspects of the MDS, including the emotional, mental, and physical are, in essence, spiritual consciousness.

Healing is a process of re-integration of parts of our energy that have been lost. Healing in incarnation is the process of re-claiming what was lost in past forays into lower vibratory expression. It is the process of transforming our separation consciousness into unity with the ONE.

Your multidimensional self is all the frequencies of you – versions of you – that you're unaware of at this moment.

MDS(TM) created by Kathryn Hamilton Cook & Barbara Standiford connects the elements of multiple lives and our etheric bodies becoming imbalanced due to breached boundaries from conscious or unconscious vows, contracts or agreements the soul has made. This has an element of release statements, energetic table session, charts, balancing of chakras, meridians and other etheric body components that we all have. MDS reaches all areas of our being, diving into the clearing of our Soul Family and Ancestral family.

If you found your way here, it’s no coincidence.

Now is the time to embark further on your journey.

Thank you for allowing me to guide you.